Long and the short of it, Ellis was referring to Reggie Bush referring to the NFL CBA and Ellis mistakenly decided to parlay that to his own life and career. First off, you can't compare the money coming in from the NFL to the NHL, so that's where Ellis should have just stopped sympathizing since he knows not of the NFL players and junk like that. Second, you KNOW when you're going to talk about losing money in this economy and in your profile; you won't get any slack-- especially after bragging about getting a Jaguar.
All of this comes on the heel of another jobber, Paul Bissonnette, comes back to Twitter in some kind of triumphant, Family Guy/Futurama revival to those who actually follow him. Of course, you know of his forte about leaving Twitter when he made a pretty shaky comment about the Ilya Kovalchuk contract. Since coming back, he's been talking about the homeless and all that other stuff; which-- if you enjoy that with the occasional shock-value humor, by all means enjoy. I'm not down for the fact I don't find him interesting or entertaining; but to each their own.
This display, coupled with the Martin Havlat episode we've seen in the past, is probably the reason why having this kind of access to the players isn't as fancy as it's cracked up to be. Aside from the fact they really don't have too much fascinating to say, gems like Ellis's comes up and really put out some kind of uproar. Sure, there's guys like Mike Commodore and Mike McKenna, who really don't do too much shocking on Twitter, but do provide some decent "tweeting" when they do it; Commodore about horse-racing and other assorted things, while McKenna actually is pretty solid on open-wheel racing and about the goaltending science during his season. They provide some kind of entertainment, without having to try all that hard to do it.
There's many who talk about media training, but you can bet that now social media will be apart of that now, if it isn't already. It should especially be for hockey players, who seem to put themselves out there a lot more and get a lot more heat for doing so in the process. I mean, when's the last time Martin Havlat had a tweet about his goings on?? The answer is February 16th. That shows that either he (a) has nothing to say or (b) doesn't really care too much about putting himself out there. If it's B, then by all means-- don't do it. You aren't going to look any better if you put yourself out there online over putting yourself out there in-person.
Sure, this will soon blow over; but the damage done and the disconnect that has happened because of it will not be soon forgotten, especially by those with long memories and long caring. You have to wonder what kind of heckling (if any) will be done and have kind of damage control that the Tampa PR will have to do in order to get things right; especially if there's people who are up and arms, trying to cancel season tickets to the Bolts due to this. That's the people who you have to mostly feel sorry for, the ones who have to clean up the mess left by someone who thought it was right to say what they did, but forgot that it's being broadcasted to the world.
nTweeted this already but will reuse it: Ellis came off like Tony Hayward (the BP CEO who "just wanted his life back") in a mask. He will now have to combine all the best elements of Brodeur and Miller to get the goodwill of the Lightning's fans back. I don't expect that to happen.
I'm not against athletes or anyone else getting paid. People who do something well and draw positive attention deserve it. Ideally, athletes will save and invest, and be able to support themselves and their families when they're middle-aged and banged up. Yeah, that doesn't always happen.
I understand that he didn't like the pay cut. Nobody does, no matter what. But we're in an economy where public sector workers are frequently being asked to work 4-day weeks--that's right, 20 percent pay cut. Many people still employed are scared and stretched to their limits. Center Ice, tickets, and jerseys are more difficult decisions than they used to be. And guess who's ultimately paying Ellis and other pro athletes his salary?
Bottom line, that was tacky as hell.
Perfect points and great take, CL.
I'm with you in the whole not against an athlete getting paid, but like you said-- it's tacky and could have been done a little better or not at all.
Some things are better left unsaid, as they say....or don't say.
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